Sunday, November 1, 2009

BACK AGAIN - for more

Well I haven't been here for a while. I was just thinking about ditching this whole blog when the 2.1 e-mail arrived, courtesy of the lovely people at the State Library.
Prompts for your first blog post for this course
1. How much have you blogged since you finished the original course? - lots - I am happily blogging away on the website and some staff websites. I spent 2008 blogging away for my local dance school. And I blog away for my teenage social club.
2. What do you like about blogging? how quick it can be - how you can pinch someone elses post and use it (with acknowledgements of course)
3. Have you found other blogs to read? - I wander around on some - not a great regular reader, read my high school year blog regularly
4. Do you comment on others' blogs?. occasionally
SO now I have to change the look of my blog....


It's magic photo

It's magic photo
Adult dress ups @ your library
Northern Beaches, NSW, Australia

tapping feet photo

tapping feet photo
My tapping feet and friends