Sunday, March 16, 2008


Loved the internal staff manual wiki - an excellent example and so easy to do as we already have all the stuff typed up - its just not in the one place

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Keeping up with the work

A think a lot of us are starting to fall behind in the programme, with many still not getting past the first base. I have managed all the weeks on time but I know from next week on we all start to run into 2 short weeks with Easter (and mine are even shorter with some extra holidays) so its looking like its time to prioritise. I am aiming to get through wikis and the next week before Easter and that way I won't be in a rush after Easter. Some of my work colleagues have starting having brain waves over how to use 2.0 technology in our library service and now its just a matter of consolidating those thoughts and then getting them okayed by management (which may be more difficult than doing the course)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

RSS feeds

Well I have started to follow the instructions about doing RSS feeds - and have found that the recommended bloglines system is more difficult than the Reader available with your gmail account...was there some special reason why this was chosen???


It's magic photo

It's magic photo
Adult dress ups @ your library
Northern Beaches, NSW, Australia

tapping feet photo

tapping feet photo
My tapping feet and friends